2024-12-09 10:37:07

Ripple CEO Brad Garlingouse Talks About XRP and Donald Trump's Approach to Bitcoin (BTC)!

Ripple CEO Brad Gralinghouse, one of the most closely followed names in the cryptocurrency industry, recently had a much-talked-about interview with 60Minutes. Election Is A Huge Victory For Cryptocurrencies! Brad Garlinghouse first assessed the 2024 US presidential election, which is still in effect, and said the elections were a “big victory” for cryptocurrencies. The Ripple CEO credited crypto political action committee (PAC) Fairshake with contributing to this victory, saying that the majority of Fairshake’s votes supported the candidates. Noting that the establishment of FairShake was due to the regulatory stance of the SEC under the chairmanship of Gary Gensler, Garlinghouse emphasized that the crypto industry created FairShake due to regulatory conflict. “85% of the 29 Republicans and 33 Democrats supported by the crypto industry in congressional races won. This is an incredible feat.” XRP Is Not a Security! Garlinghouse also argued that he never considered XRP a security and that U.S. securities laws were outdated for digital assets. Calling on Congress to create clear regulatory frameworks, Garlinghouse noted that the cryptocurrency sector is not aiming to be exempt from regulation. “We did not demand the removal of the regulation. We demanded the regulation to be made.” Garlinghouse finally commented on President-elect Donald Trump’s recent open support for Bitcoin, calling it a scam in 2021, saying, “Donald Trump didn’t embrace crypto, crypto embraced Donald Trump.” *This is not investment advice. Continue Reading: Ripple CEO Brad Garlingouse Talks About XRP and Donald Trump's Approach to Bitcoin (BTC)!

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