2024-12-12 11:46:47

Nvidia (NVDA) is 35% better investment than Bitcoin in 2024 despite BTC price rally

In 2024, Bitcoin ( BTC ) recorded triple-digit gains and even breached the long-awaited milestone price of $100,000 in early December. Despite BTC’s significant rise throughout the year, Finbold research found that the semiconductor giant Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA ) delivered even higher returns than Bitcoin. An investment in Bitcoin made at the start of 2024 would have yielded a return of 139.72% by Thursday, December 12. In comparison, Nvidia stock would have appreciated 188.47% over the same period, making NVDA’s gains 1.35 times higher than BTC’s and offering a 35.7% greater return on investment (ROI). !function(e,n,i,s){var d="InfogramEmbeds";var o=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];if(window[d]&&window[d].initialized)window[d].process&&window[d].process();else if(!e.getElementById(i)){var r=e.createElement(n);r.async=1,,r.src=s,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,"script","infogram-async",""); Nvidia stock’s valuation grew 87% more than Bitcoin’s in 2024 The discrepancy between the two star investments is even more obvious once their respective market capitalizations are considered. Bitcoin’s valuation stood at approximately $830 billion at the beginning of the year, and it rose to almost exactly $2 trillion by press time. In total, BTC’s market cap rose by $1.17 trillion in 2024. Still, as impressive as the cryptocurrency’s rise is, Nvidia stock managed an even greater increase of $2.19 trillion, rising from $1.22 trillion at the start of January to $3.41 trillion on December 12. When did Bitcoin outperform NVDA stock? Furthermore, and in large part because NVDA shares’ path has been significantly more straightforward since 2022 , the semiconductor giant has also been the superior investment within longer time frames thanks to the magnitude of the ongoing artificial intelligence ( AI ) boom. For example, a January 2023 Nvidia investment would have grown 835%, while a similarly timed BTC investment would have risen 494%. The situation is similar with a purchase executed at the start of 2020, as NVDA stock is up 2,255.9% within the time frame, while BTC has surged 1,273.2%. However, an investment made in Bitcoin at the start of 2015 would have outperformed an Nvidia stock trade, as the cryptocurrency has rocketed 36,000% since then and the chipmaker 27,000%. Finally, though one might expect dividends to increase NVDA shares’ advantage as an investment, given that Bitcoin offers no such benefits, the semiconductor giant’s yield is so trivial at 0.029% that it hardly alters the total return on investment —a $1,000 investment made at the start of 2024 would have yielded less than $1 in dividend payouts. Featured image via Shutterstock The post Nvidia (NVDA) is 35% better investment than Bitcoin in 2024 despite BTC price rally appeared first on Finbold .

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